Electric Vehicle Charging Pile Sharing Method Based on Multi-Subject Game and Win-Win |
Huang Xiaoqing1, Li Longyi1, Xu Pengxin1, Wang Xiuru2, Han Shaohua2 |
1. College of Electrical and Information Engineering Hunan University Changsha 410082 China; 2. State Grid Suqian Power Supply Company Suqian 223800 China |
Abstract With the rapid growth of electric vehicles (EVs), it brings a series of problems to the configuration of charging facilities: (1) the configuration of charging piles is lagging behind the development speed of vehicles seriously; (2) unreasonable distribution of charging piles leads to a large number of idle piles; (3) the huge charging demand has impact on the operation of the power grid. For these problems, charging pile sharing is a feasible solution to alleviate the imbalance of vehicle-pile configuration. The four subjects of EV users, aggregators, charging piles and distribution network participate in shared charging activities. However, researches on this are limited to the single subject optimization, ignoring the master-slave game competition between EV users and distribution network. Towards the win-win goal of distribution network, EV users, charging piles and aggregators, a master-slave game model of charging pile sharing and matching is established. The model can be divided into three stages: in the first stage, the distribution network updates the access load of each distribution network node, takes the minimum operation cost of distribution network as the optimization objective, calculates the locational marginal price (LMP), and sends it to the aggregators and charging piles. In the second stage, the aggregators and the charging piles play a one-to-one pricing game based on the LMP, and the Bayesian Nash equilibrium solution of the game is taken as the final transaction price. In the third stage, the shared matching center aims at maximizing the number of successful matching pairs of vehicle-piles and optimizing the total charging cost of EV users, builds a one-to-many vehicle pile matching model based on the minimum cost and maximum flow model, solves the model to generate a vehicle-pile matching list, calculates the power vector of each distribution network node accessing EV load, and returns to the first stage. Simulation results the charge sharing data show that, the number of EV charges successfully matched by the experimental group using the proposed method is 5 195, which is 547, 191 and 0 more than other control groups respectively. In the control group, the standard deviation of the average frequency of charging piles used by aggregators is 2.24, 1.97, 1.17, respectively, compared with 1.09 in the experimental group. The result shows that the strategy can greatly increase the number of successful matching of shared charging piles, make the utilization ratio of each charging pile more balanced at different times, and avoid the situation that some charging piles are frequently used while some charging piles are idle. The study shows that the proposed charging pile sharing strategy can increase the revenue of charging piles and aggregators, reduce the cost of EV users. It is also helpful to reduce network loss and voltage deviation of distribution network, which is beneficial to all parties. Compared with the traditional method, the proposed bilevel iterative algorithm improves the solution efficiency. In large-scale EV matching problems, this method still has high efficiency.
Received: 28 January 2022
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