Abstract The large-scale application of 5G base stations can provide high-quality technical support in expanding channel capacity and promoting smart grid construction.5G network not only provides technical support for the transformation and upgrading of substations, but also represents the emerging high-energy consumption power load in the substation supply area. Therefore, it is necessary to consider its power demand during substation planning in the future. Substation planning is faced with such a challenge, that is, to design a double Q planning scheme that takes into account both quantity and quality while reducing the total planning cost. At present, there are few studies on substation location planning for 5G network electricity demand. If the actual peak power consumption of 5G network is used as the basis for substation planning, it will lead to high investment cost and low utilization of substation capacity. It is necessary to further explore substation planning methods that adapt to the large-scale application of 5G base stations and take into account both economy and reliability. This paper takes into account the economy and reliability of substation planning, and proposes a double Q planning method for substation considering the power demand of 5G network and reliability. Firstly, the energy saving potential of 5G network is analyzed, and the energy efficiency index of 5G network is established. Then, the power demand of 5G network is analyzed from two aspects: the load power consumption after optimizing the energy efficiency of 5G network and the backup power consumption of 5G base station. The energy efficiency optimization model of 5G network is designed based on the base station sleep strategy. The standby energy storage and adjustable energy storage of 5G base station are quantified according to the spatial and temporal distribution of communication load. The standby energy storage supplies power to the base station when the power grid is faulty to ensure the reliability of the power supply of the base station. The energy storage can be regulated to participate in peak cutting and valley filling when the power grid is faulty, and also participate in fault power supply when the power grid is faulty to improve the reliability of the supply area of the substation. Finally, the double Q planning method of substation is transformed into the substation planning problem considering the electricity demand of 5G network and the opportunistic constraint regulation problem of base station energy storage under different reliability confidence in the substation supply area, so as to achieve the double Q goal of substation planning. Through the analysis of numerical examples, the practicability and effectiveness of the proposed double Q programming method for substation planning are verified, and the following conclusions are drawn: The energy efficiency of 5G network is optimized by executing the sleep strategy for the micro-base station. Although the overall power consumption of 5G network is reduced, the quality of service of communication load is guaranteed. The storage capacity of 5G base station is reserved to ensure uninterrupted power supply for the base station in case of power grid failure, and the power supply reliability of the base station is guaranteed. Activate redundant energy storage of base station to respond to power grid demand, participate in fault power supply, peak cutting and valley filling for profit, and realize mutual benefit and win-win between power grid and communication operators. The economy and reliability of substation planning are guaranteed.
Received: 28 January 2022
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