Calculation of The Coupling Coefficient of an Arbitrarily Positioned Circular Coil for Wireless Power Transfer System with a Double-Layered Finite Magnetic Shield |
Li Zhongqi1,2, Lin Zhiyuan1, Yang Peng1, Yi Jiliang1, Huang Shoudao2 |
1. College of Railway Transportation Hunan University of Technology Zhuzhou 412007 China; 2. College of Electrical and Information Engineering Hunan University Changsha 410082 China |
Abstract The coupling coefficient is one of the critical parameters in the wireless power transfer system. Its accurate calculation is vital for optimizing the structure of the wireless power transfer system and enhancing the transfer efficiency. However, there is no method for calculating the coupling coefficient between circular planar spiral coils with double-layered finite magnetic shields at an arbitrary position. In this paper, the expression of vector magnetic potential under the condition of a double-layer finite magnetic shield is derived from Maxwell's equations. Moreover, the equation of the coupling coefficient for an arbitrary position is obtained using the boundary conditions and geometric spatial relations. Different from the traditional approximate calculation method, the proposed coupling coefficient calculation can solve the exact coupling coefficient between circular planar spiral coils. Finally, taking various relative positions between two circular planar spiral coils as an example, the calculation, simulation, and experimental results are in good agreement, which verifies the correctness of the proposed calculation method.
Received: 01 April 2022
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