Research on Power Distribution Strategy Considering the Safety of Energy Storage Power Station |
Li Jianlin1, Li Yaxin1, Liu Haitao2, Ma Suliang1 |
1. Energy Storage Technology Engineering Research Center North China University of Technology Beijing 100144 China; 2. Smart Grid Industry Technology Research Institute Nanjing Institute of Technology Nanjing 211167 China |
Abstract The safety and stability of energy storage power stations during operation have received strong attention from the industry. Energy storage power stations of high power level cannot operate without many battery compartments. Reasonable power distribution is important to ensure the operation safety and improve efficiency of energy storage power stations. Therefore, the paper studies the optimal power distribution of typical lithium battery energy storage power stations. Aiming at the energy management problem of energy storage power station safety, a power distribution State of health (SOH)-State of charge (SOC) strategy was proposed. Three power distribution modes are designed under the first-level SOH power distribution strategy, namely, equal power distribution, independent power distribution and adaptive power distribution. Then, the SOC is considered to design the distribution strategy to prevent overcharge and overdischarge. Finally, the two-stage power distribution strategy is designed to improve the optimal output power distribution of the energy storage power station under the priority of guaranteeing the operation safety of the power station. The effectiveness is verified from three aspects of battery compartment level, inverter level and system level respectively, which provides important reference value for the safe operation of electrochemical energy storage power station system.
Received: 01 September 2022
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