Three-Level Sensorless Control of High Speed Maglev Permanent Magnet Motor |
Zhang Dan1,2, Jiang Jianguo2 |
1. Institute of Logistics Science and Engineering Shanghai Maritime University Shanghai 201306 China; 2. Key Laboratory of Control of Power Transmission and Conversion (SJTU) Ministry of Education Shanghai 200240 China |
Abstract Aiming at the neutral point voltage imbalance in NPC three-level converter at high frequency, a three-level modulation based on GH coordinate system and a neutral point voltage balance control based on proportional adjustment factor are adopted. Regarding the speed identification and high-speed stable operation of high-speed magnetic levitation permanent magnet motor in high-frequency state, the sensorless control strategy of magnetic levitation permanent magnet motor suitable for high-speed rotating magnetic field is adopted. The proposed control method is verified by simulation and applied in the field. The experimental results show that the proposed control method can realize the rotor position positioning and low-speed starting control of high-speed permanent magnet motor without position sensor, and achieve high-speed and stable operation. The proposed control method has good practical application value.
Received: 13 May 2021
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