Optimal Predictive Power Control of PWM Rectifier under Nonideal Grid Conditions |
Li Shan, Ma Wen, Guo Qiang, Zhang Lu, Wei Sudong, Huang Yongjun |
Chongqing Energy Internet Engineering Technology Research Center Chongqing University of Technology Chongqing 400054 China |
Abstract Model predictive power control (MPPC) is based on the minimization principle of the cost function, which selects the optimal switching state to act on the system. However, the grid side current of the MPPC will be distorted seriously under unbalanced grid voltage conditions, which affects the output performance of PWM rectifier. To address this problem, the paper applies the new definition of extended reactive power to MPPC to obtain constant active power and grid-side sinusoidal current without power compensation algorithms. In addition, aiming at the problems of conventional MPPC (C-MPPC), such as variable switching frequency and large system computation, an optimized MPPC (O-MPPC) is proposed. By optimizing the finite control set, the system computation is reduced, and the selected vector switching sequence is reorganized for optimization and the action time of each vector is calculated by the multi-vector synthesis method. As a result, the problem of the unstable switching frequency of C-MPPC is solved, and the system control performance is enhanced. The feasibility and superiority of the proposed optimized control method are verified through comparative experiments with C-MPPC.
Received: 25 November 2021
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