A Multi-Synchrosqueezing Transformation Based Early Stage Detection of Inter-Turn Short Circuit Fault in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine |
Wei Dong1, Liu Kan1, Ding Rongjun1, Hu Wei1, Chen Yongdan2 |
1. College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering Hunan University Changsha 410082 China; 2. National Key Lab of Vehicle Transmission China North Vehicle Research Institution Beijing 100072 China |
Abstract The degradation of insulation capacity between adjacent coils of permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) stator winding will lead to inter-turn short circuit (ITSC) fault. The current mainstream research mainly focuses on the estimation of the number of short-circuit turns, and it is difficult to detect the failure process of insulation resistance at the early stage. In this paper, the influence of residual insulation resistance on stator current is analyzed based on the finite element co-simulation model of PMSM with ITSC fault, and a fault detection method based on 9th harmonic of the current is proposed. This method is able to extract fault features effectively in time-frequency domain, and decouple the influence of speed fluctuation on fault detection results. Hence, it can effectively track the degradation trend of residual insulation resistance from the initial stage to the late stage of the fault under steady and transient operating conditions. The proposed method is verified on a 24-slot-4-pole three-phase PMSM with the distributed winding, and the results show that the proposed method has a good accuracy in monitoring the degradation of residual insulation resistance and is robust against the abrupt disturbance in rotor speed.
Received: 06 April 2021
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