Synchronous Frequency Resonance in Virtual Synchronous Generator Based on Sequence-Impedance |
Yu Yanxue1, Guan Wanlin2, Chen Xiaoguang2, Li Haoyu1 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering & Automation Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China; 2. Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Heilongjiang Electric Power Co. Ltd Harbin 150030 China |
Abstract As for the synchronous frequency resonance (SFR) phenomenon existing in virtual synchronous generator (VSG), considering the shortcomings of multi-input multi-output power coupling SFR analysis models, a sequence-admittance and sequence-impedance based SFR analysis method is proposed by modeling the single-input single-output sequence impedance model that can describe the wide-frequency dynamics of the VSG, and the SFR phenomena of single-loop and multi-loop VSG are comparatively studied. Based on the pole distribution map of sequence admittance, the relationships between SFR and the VSG power control loop parameters, virtual impedance, inner-loop control and grid impedance are effectively studied. Based on the Bode diagrams of sequence-impedance, the damping characteristics of SFR with and without the inner-loop control are compared, and then the resonance mechanism of SFR in single-loop and multi-loop VSG is revealed from the perspective of negative damping. By building the experimental platform based on the RT-Box, the SFR phenomena of VSG under different control schemes and grid impedances are verified, indicating the optimal design direction of VSG control.
Received: 18 May 2021
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