Active and Reactive Power Coordinated Dispatching Based on Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithm |
Zhao Dongmei1, Tao Ran1, Ma Taiyi1, Xia Xuan2, Wang Haoxiang1 |
1. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. State Grid Shaoxing Power Supply Company Shaoxing 312000 China |
Abstract Achieving active and reactive power coordination dispatching is a key link in promoting construction of "future integrated large scale power grid control system". In order to solve the problems of repeated regulation and difficult to coordinate conflicts in dispatching, multi-agent technology is adopted to intelligently organize various active and reactive power control resources, and establish a power grid active and reactive power coordination dispatching model. In order to solve the instability of the power system environment in the process of multi-agent exploration, adopt multi-agent deep deterministic policy gradient algorithm, and design a multi-agent environment which is suitable for active and reactive power coordination dispatching model, and constructs the agent's state, action and reward function. The effectiveness of the proposed model and algorithm is verified by case study and comparative analysis.
Received: 07 February 2020
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