Autonomous Cooperative Onset Control Strategy of Thermoacoustic Electric Generation System |
Zhang Jian1,2, Xia Jiakuan1, He Xin1, Li Wenrui1 |
1. College of Electrical Engineering Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China; 2. College of Electrical Engineering Yingkou Institute of Technology Yingkou 115014 China |
Abstract An autonomous cooperative onset control strategy of thermoacoustic electric generation system was presented in this paper to control the electric generator and bring TAEGS into resonance. The application background is TAEGS. In order to reduce the onset temperature and shorten the onset time of the system, according to the theory that phase angle between displacement and current is 90°, the quadrature signals of displacement and current were output by the improved second-order generalized integral controller to lock the frequency, and the AC signal was converted into DC signal by Park transformation. The zero steady-state error free tracking control of the signal was realized, and then the running frequency of TAEGS can quickly track the resonant frequency. The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed onset control strategy can make running frequency quickly track resonant frequency of TAEGS and improve the efficiency of the system. Besides, the second order general integral controller can filter out the sampling noise and high frequency interference of the signal, which improves the stability of the controller.
Received: 01 June 2020
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