The Condition of Phase Sequence Exchange Technology Applied to Stability Control and Optimal Control Strategy |
Huang Shaofeng1, Li Hui1, Li Yifan1, Zhang Yuepin2 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. Beijing Sifang Automation Co. Ltd Beijing 100085 China |
Abstract Phase sequence exchange technology (PSET) is a scheme of power system stability control. When the system is about to lose stability, the phase sequence is quickly exchanged by the power electronic switch. The ABC phase of generator side is disconnected and then connected to cab phase of system side correspondingly, thereby reducing the power angle by 2π/3 and achieving the purpose of stability control. Based on the energy function method, the mutation mechanism of total energy before and after phase sequence exchanging was analyzed and the mutational energy at the instant of phase sequence exchanging was obtained. On this basis, the application condition of PSET was derived. By judging the system stability before and after phase sequence exchanging, the stability margin increment after phase sequence exchanging was given, thus analyzing the degree of improving the power system transient stability by PSET quantitatively. Based on this, the optimal control strategy of PSET was proposed. Finally, simulation results based on Matlab show that the optimal control strategy of PSET can achieve the optimal effect of stable control and obtain the maximum stability margin. Besides, the correctness of application condition is verified.
Received: 07 May 2020
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