Mechanism and Damping Strategy of Interactive Instability Between Grid-Connected Inverter and Grid Impedance |
Wang Chunjiang, Sun Jianjun, Gong Jinwu, Zha Xiaoming |
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China |
Abstract With the increasing scale of new energy grid connection, the interaction between grid connected inverter and grid impedance becomes more and more significant. The interaction between inverter and grid impedance reduces the damping effect of power varing of grid connected system, resulting in significant energy exchange between inverter and grid according to specific frequency, leading to instability problems such as oscillation. In this paper, a small signal model of grid connected inverter system is established, and the mechanism of interaction instability between grid impedance and grid connected inverter is analyzed from the perspective of damping. On this basis, a control strategy is proposed to improve the damping effect of power oscillation of grid connected inverter system in weak gird. The control strategy introduces the DC voltage differential into the voltage loop and current loop input link, which is essentially a series virtual resistance on the DC side, so as to improve the damping of the system. The theoretical analysis shows that the strategy can not only improve the stability of the grid connected inverter, but also expand the stability control parameter field of the inverter. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by Hardware in the loop simulation.
Received: 18 November 2019
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