Location Method for DC Single Corona Discharge Point Based on Radio Interference Time Domain Test System |
Li Xuebao, Wu Haotian, Ma Hao, Wang Zhenshuo |
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract In order to obtain the position of a single corona discharge point on the wire,a DC single-point corona discharge positioning system based on a radio interference time domain test system was built.A test array composed of four radio interference test antennas was designed using the time difference of arrival method.The energy minimum criterion was used to realize accurate estimation of the time delay of the four test antennas.According to the principle of time difference positioning,the positioning equations were established,and the Newton-Raphson method and the searching in space algorithm were used to calculate the position coordinates of the corona discharge points.The experimental results show that the developed positioning test system can effectively locate a single corona discharge point.
Received: 29 September 2019
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