Experimental Study on the Effect of Blade Simulated Icing on Power Characteristics of Wind Turbine |
Hu Qin1, Yang Dachuan2, Jiang Xingliang1, Zhang Shiqiang3, Dong Jingjun3 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400030 China; 2. State Grid Tianjin Chengdong Electric Power Supply Company Tianjin 300250 China; 3. Jilin Chongtong Chengfei New Material Co. Ltd Chongqing 402283 China |
Abstract The blade icing will affect the stable operation of the wind turbine.In this paper,based on the streamline ice and horn type ice of blade,viscous material simulation method is used to study the influence of icing quality,stagnation point thickness and other factors on the power and speed of small wind turbines.At the same time,the power curve of wind turbines is compared with that in the clean situation.The results show that at the same wind speed,with the increase of icing weight and stagnation point thickness,the average power loss,the decrease in maximum instantaneous power and the average rotational speed loss increase gradually.The average power loss of simulated blade icing with different materials is different.When using light clay and putty to simulate the rime,the average power loss is smaller than when using colored clay and putty to simulate glaze.Compared with streamline ice,horn type ice will bring more aerodynamic load loss,which has a greater impact on the overall aerodynamic performance of blades and power characteristics of wind turbine.This paper can provide a reference for the performance evaluation of wind turbines in the icing environment,and is of great significance for ensuring the safe operation of wind turbines.
Received: 28 September 2019
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