Open Circuit Fault Diagnosis and Failure-Tolerant Control for Inverter with Hysteresis Current Control |
Li Kaidi1, Chen Tefang1, Cheng Shu2, Yu Tianjian1, Wu Xun1, Qiao Haiyang2 |
1. School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering Central South University Changsha 410075 China; 2. UNIQUE Railway Technology Limited Company Changchun 330000 China |
Abstract Because of the irregularities of the output voltage waveform of inverter with hysteresis current control, the fault diagnosis based on voltage is difficult to obtain reliable results. In this paper, an on-line current-based fault diagnosis method and a fault-tolerant structure for the power-switch open-circuit fault of inverter with hysteresis current control are proposed. Based on the establishment of phase-current mathematical model and three-phase bridge inverter circuit with hysteresis current control, the output current waveform of different working states is analyzed. Analysis shows that there are two obvious fault characteristics in the event of a fault. These two fault characteristics are the output current and the direction of output current tracking reference current, respectively. These can be used to quickly diagnose and locate the open circuit fault of power tubes. Fault-tolerant control can be carried out after obtaining the exact location of the fault. The proposed diagnosis method is simple and easy to apply, it does not require system control signals or additional sensors, and has a short diagnosis time. Fault-tolerant structure has controllable cost, convenient installation and good fault-tolerant effect. The validity, reliability and limitations of the proposed diagnosis method and fault- tolerant structure are verified and analyzed by dSPACE hardware-in-the-loop experiment platform.
Received: 27 June 2018
Published: 02 January 2020
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