Hybrid Modular DC Solid State Transformer I: Working Principle and Analysis of Steady State Characteristics |
Fu Chao, Wu Chengjie, Sun Yuwei, Gao Zhen |
Key Laboratory of Distributed Energy Storage and Micro-Grid of Hebei Province North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China |
Abstract As the key equipment of flexible dc distribution network, the control performance and conversion efficiency of DC solid-state transformers (DCSST) are significant for improving system practicability and economic efficiency. Unlike the existing DCSST, this paper presents a hybrid modular solid-state transformer (HMDCSST), which combines the phase shift dual active-bridge (PS-DAB) and the series resonant DAB (SR-DAB) in the way that the inputs are in series and the outputs are paralleled. The PS-DAB has the advantage of flexible voltage control while the SR-DAB features high efficiency, both of which can be inherited by the HMDCSST. Thus comparing with the original DCSST, the HMDCSST can improve power efficiency and reduce system design complexity, without sacrificing the flexible controllability. Working principle of the HMDCSST is analyzed, and the average mathematical model and power loss model are derived. Then detailed analysis of the input/output characteristics and power transmission efficiency under constant output voltage control mode are carried out. Finally, the experimental results show that the proposed HMDCSST can achieve a power efficiency of 96.4%, which is 1.0% higher than traditional PS-DAB based DCSST. In addition, experiments under the input and output disturbance further verify the correctness of working principle and steady-state characteristics.
Received: 29 June 2018
Published: 29 July 2019
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