Distributed Magnetic Circuit Method for Calculating Air-Gap Magnetic Field of Induction Motor Based on Modified Model Considering the Effect of Magnetic Slot Wedges |
Liu Zhixin, Wang Dong, Yu Zhongjun, MengFanqing, Chen Junquan |
National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Vessel Integrated Power System Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China |
Abstract In order to balance calculation speed and accuracy of air-gap magnetic field of induction motor with magnetic slot wedges, slot effect influenced by magnetic slot wedges was considered by finite element method in this paper, that was, Cartesian coefficient and air-gap relative permeance considering the effect of magnetic slot wedges was calculated based on the simplified finite element model of motor’s tooth-slot structure, while magnetic saturation effect was considered by distributed magnetic circuit method. The distributed magnetic circuit model of induction motor was modified by Cartesian coefficient obtained from finite element method, and then the air-gap MMF of motor considering magnetic saturation effect was calculated based on the modified model. The air-gap relative permeance obtained from finite element method can be used to calculate the air-gap permeance of motor. Based on the calculated air-gap MMF and air-gap permeance, the air-gap magnetic density of motor can be obtained. The calculation results of the proposed method are in good agreement with finite element method, proving the rationality and accuracy of the proposed method. Based on the proposed method, the law about the change of tooth harmonics under the condition of different slot-wedge permeability was further studied.
Received: 03 May 2018
Published: 13 August 2019
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