Study on Phenomenon and Mechanism of Overvoltage in Electrothermal-Chemical Launch |
Li Zhenxiao, Jin Yong, TianHuiLi, Baoming |
National Key Laboratory of Transient Physics Nanjing University of Science and Technology Nanjing 210094 China |
Abstract According to the phenomenon of overvoltage observed in the emission experiment, based on the circuit structure, the characteristics of the main components and the load characteristics of the electrothermal-chemical gun in the system, the mechanism of overvoltage was obtained through the contrast test, resistance measurement of the plasma generator, the equivalent parameter measurement and the theoretical analysis. The studies show that the overvoltage phenomenon occurs only during the firing processof electrothermal-chemical gun, which is directly related to the characteristics of the generator in the gun bore. The studies also show that the mechanism of overvoltage is caused by the broken arc of generator surface where the electric arc is forced to go out by environmentin thegun chamber at the end of the pulse discharge and the load mutation occurs,resulting in overvoltage inside the system. Then the residual magnetic energy of pulse forming inductor is converted into the electric energy of stray capacity in the system, which causes electromagnetic oscillation. According to the characteristics of the main components, the influence of overvoltage on insulation coordination was briefly analyzed and the harm caused by overvoltage was summarized. The overvoltage snubbercircuits were designed, which include resistance-capacitance circuit, buffer resistor and buffer inductor. The experimental resultsthat the buffer circuits can effectively suppress the overvoltagecaused by thebroken arc of generatorsurface during the launching process. The electrothermal-chemical launch technology is currently developing towards engineering application. The research results can be used to guide the miniaturization design of insulation in the launching system and help to improve the reliability of the system.
Received: 10 April 2017
Published: 14 March 2018
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