Flat-Top Pulsed High Magnetic Field Technology and Its Application |
Han Xiaotao1,2, Zhang Shaozhe1,2, Wei Wenqi1,2, Wang Junfeng1, Li Liang1,2 |
1. Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China |
Abstract Flat-top pulsed magnetic field (FTPMF) is a kind of peculiar high magnetic fields where the peak field remains nearly unchanged within a finite duration time. Due to the advantages of its high field strength and high stability, it offers great opportunities to not only frontier fundamental science but also advanced technology. This paper summarizes recent progresses on generation of the FTPMF and high precision control of the flat-top parameters (stability and duration) by utilizing different power supplies such as flywheel energy storage pulse generator, capacitor bank and battery. We also introduce the key roles of FTPMF to improve the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and physical property measurements. Several experimental results conducted at the Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center are reported. These include the NMR measurement of 93Nb single crystal at 22T, specific heat of a spin dimer system Ba3Mn2O8 at 64T, as well as the nonlinear I-V characteristic measurement of the charge-density-wave compound Li0.9Mo6O17 in a field up to 30T. Finally, we discuss the cooperative power supply (miniaturization and modularization) and the material performance of the pulsed magnet. The application of FTPMF in pulsed field gyrotron terahertz source is also prospected.
Received: 22 July 2022
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