Analysis on Phase Characteristics of Floating Discharge of Extra High Voltage Shunt Reactor under Axial Vibration |
Yang Dingqian1, Ma Qinyong1, Xiang Yang2, Meng Qingmin2 |
1. State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Researcher Institute Urumqi 830011 China; 2. Shenyang Transformer Research Institute Shenyang 110122 China |
Abstract During the operation of extra-high voltage shunt reactors, there will be floating discharge in the internal loose components due to vibrations. In this paper, since no specific chromatogram has been set up for such discharge in China, this paper establishes the electromechanical model of high voltage shunt reactor by Matlab Simulink module based on the phase relationship between the vibration displacement of the high voltage shunt reactor and the voltage and current. The phase characteristics of floating discharge pulse of the vibrating component were studied. The results show that the floating discharge pulse of the vibrating component is located just above the null point of the voltage, which is obviously different from the floating discharge and corona discharge near the traditional voltage peak point. This feature is verified by field detection and internal inspection of the extra high voltage (EHV) shunt reactor in a 750kV- load-center substation in Xinjiang. The results have certain significance for the actual detection of the floating discharge of the vibrating components of the EHV shunt reactor.
Received: 19 October 2017
Published: 29 December 2018
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