Non-Sinusoidal Dual Random Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Strategy for Five-Phase Inverter |
Zhu Lin, Bu Feifei, Huang Wenxin, Pu Tianyu |
Center for More-Electric-Aircraft Power System Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 210016 China |
Abstract To improve the high frequency performance of non-sinusoidal power supply of five-phase inverter, a novel five-phase space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) strategy is proposed. This strategy is a non-sinusoidal dual random SVPWM method based on randomized switching time delay and randomized distribution of zero vectors. According to near four vectors SVPWM algorithm, the fundamental reference voltage vector is synthesized in the fundamental subspace as the third harmonic reference voltage vector is synthesized in the third harmonic subspace, by which the duty cycle and switching action are determined. With the sampling frequency constant, the switching action corresponding to the sampling time is randomly delayed within a certain range, while the time distribution of inserted zero vectors is randomized. Therefore, the switching frequency and the symmetrical pulse position are both randomized simultaneously. The simulation and experimental results show that the method reduces the amplitude of higher harmonics without affecting the output of fundamental and third harmonic voltage, which achieves the purpose of harmonic dispersion.
Received: 15 June 2017
Published: 30 October 2018
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