A Fast and Precise Method for Calculating Dynamic Inductance of Common Mode Chock |
Zhang Pengfei1, Zou Jun1, Wu Xiaogang2, Zhu Chongming2 |
1. Electrical Engineering Department Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Smart Grid Protection and Control NARI Group Corporation Nanjing 211106 China |
Abstract Common mode choke is an important part of telecommunication system or power filter, which plays key role on the inhibition of common mode interference. There are both differential mode current and common mode current in the choke coil in practice. When the differential mode current value is pretty large, different values of the differential current will cause the core to be saturated in different degrees, and the corresponding operating point on magnetization curve will enter the nonlinear region, which will decrease the common mode dynamic inductance value and thus reduce suppression ability of common mode chock. In this paper, in order to quickly and accurately calculate the dynamic inductance in the nonlinear case for evaluating interference suppression ability, an simplified model of common mode choke is established basing on electromagnetic field symmetry, and the relationship between current and flux in the coil under different differential mode current is obtained from finite element method. Simpson numerical differential formula is used to calculate the common mode choke dynamic inductance under different saturate degrees of core. The results show that the simplified model in this paper is 4~5 times faster than that of the existing model, and the calculating stability and accuracy of dynamic inductance for the common mode choke is higher than traditional method.
Received: 21 October 2017
Published: 15 October 2018
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