Experimental of Plasma from Hypervelocity Impact |
Li Jin1, 2, Li Yunliang2, Qian Bingwen2, Jing Jiyong2, Tan Shushun2, Zhang Guanjun1 |
1. State Key Lab of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an 710049 China; 2. Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology Xi’an 710024 China;
Abstract Based on a two-stage light-gas gun experimental platform, the hypervelocity impact experiment of 2A12 aluminum is performed. A high-speed photography system and a sweep Langmuir probe diagnostic system are designed to investigate the generated plasma. The high-speed photographs and the electron temperature curve of hypervelocity impact plasma are obtained. The results show that, the main jet direction of the plasma is symmetric with the flight direction of the projectile. The electron temperature and the survival time of the plasma are about 0.7eV and 1.2 ms, respectively.
Received: 30 May 2016
Published: 02 May 2017
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