A Searching Algorithm for Optimal Controlled Islanding Surfaces Considering VSC-HVDC Terminal Constraint |
Wang Zhenhao, Zhang Mingze, Du Hongjin, Li Yang, Li Guoqing |
School of Electrical Engineering Northeast Electric Power University Jilin 132012 China |
Abstract The controlled partitioning strategy is an active and effective way of avoiding catastrophic wide area blackouts after severe disturbance.The main content is searching optimal controlled islanding surfaces,it is usually considered as a constrained combinatorial optimization problem.This paper presents a searching algorithm for controlled islanding surfaces considering VSC-HVDC terminal constraint that based on spectral clustering,this method has the following characteristics:the problem of searching for controlled islanding surfaces in real power system is mapped to the graph partitioning problem by applying spectral clustering,which the optimal solution is obtained directly and the calculation speed is fast;the use of minimal power-flow disruption as the objective function creates islands with the minimum change from the predisturbance power-flow pattern,this property of the objective function improves the transient stability of the islands;it considers voltage source converter-based HVDC(VSC-HVDC)links within a synchronous system and places the VSC-HVDC terminal in each island so that power can be exchanged between the islands.This limits load shedding and generator tripping and reduces the overall restoration costs.Finally,the effectiveness and rapidity of the proposed method are validated by simulation results of IEEE 10 machine 39 bus system and actual Xiamen power system.
Received: 07 September 2016
Published: 14 September 2017
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