Abstract The study of the virtual power plant operation mechanism can provide technical support for the integration of distributed power in demand side. And the interruptible load is one of the important forms of demand response. It can help with the volatility suppression and new energy absorption. This paper focused on the scheduling strategy of virtual power plant containing interruptible load, wind farms and conventional units. To improve the accuracy of the wind power output probability analysis, Gumbel-Copula was introduced to describe the correlation between wind farms. Thus the wind power joint output model was established. Considering the peak shaving characteristic, let the interruptible load run as the conventional units. And constraints such as the breaking number, the breaking time and the capacity of interruptible load were all considered. The established model was solved by improved invasion weeds algorithm based on differential evolution strategy. The results of case study show that, compared with other two kinds of conventional strategies, the proposed scheduling strategy in this paper can reduce the total operation cost, decrease the remaining wind power, and improve the utilization of new energy at the same time.
Received: 19 August 2016
Published: 14 September 2017
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