Control Strategy of A Small-Scale Grid-Connected Wind Generation System |
Yang Liang, Wang Yifeng, Meng Zhun |
Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China |
Abstract In this paper, a small-scale grid-connected wind generation system is proposed, which has high adaptability to the small-scale wind field. From the configuration perspective, this system employs a switched-capacitor based three-phase fly-back rectifier and introduces a storage branch. The generation performance at low-wind-speed condition is thus improved. Regarding the control strategy, to achieve multiple control targets, control methods dealing with diverse wind speeds and battery state-of-charge (SOC) are selected, including weak power collection, wind power utilization rate promotion, exploitable wind speed range expansion and battery lifespan extension. Then the DC-link voltage control methods under different working states are also presented. A very simple but reliable dead-zone control method is adopted based on the bidirectional DC-DC converter. At last, tests are conducted on the prototype in the laboratory and in the real small-scale wind field.
Received: 19 August 2016
Published: 26 May 2017
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