Inductance Calculation of Eccentric Induction Motor Based on Modified Winding Function Approach
Bao Xiaohua1, Cheng Zhiheng1, Wang Hanfeng1, Di Chong1, Zhu Qinglong2
1. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Hefei University of Technology Hefei 230009 China; 2. Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Large-Scale Submersible Electric Pump and Accoutrements Hefei 231131 China
Abstract Air-gap eccentricity is commonly occurred in large induction motors. Based on this fault, winding function approach (WFA) is carried out and theoretical derivation of WFA is also presented. In this way, the inductance matrix in the multi-loop model is calculated. A model of eccentric induction motor (1 200kW) is established based on such method and winding function translation coefficient is introduced to make more accurate calculation. In order to verify the feasibility, the result from modified winding function approach (MWFA) is discussed and compared with that from conventional winding function approach and that from finite element method.
Bao Xiaohua,Cheng Zhiheng,Wang Hanfeng等. Inductance Calculation of Eccentric Induction Motor Based on Modified Winding Function Approach[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2016, 31(6): 13-20.
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