Abstract This paper reviews the development history of the squirrel cage induction machines. According to the current scientific achievements, the structures of the traditional skewed slot and double skewed slot are introduced. Their effects on the fundamental component and harmonics of the air-gap flux density are discussed respectively. The finite element methods, including 2D finite element method, 3D finite element method and multi-slice method, are compared. In addition, the effects of these two slots on the motor performance are clarified, such as electromagnetic noise, stray loss and starting torque. An design idea of ultra-silence efficient motor is proposed, based on double skew slot with equal slot combination.
Bao Xiaohua,Di Chong,Wang Lang. Review and Prospect of Skewed Rotor in Squirrel Cage Induction Machines[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2016, 31(6): 1-12.
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