Thermal Analysis and Optimization of PEBB Unit Based on Curve Fitting |
Chen Guodong, Liu Hong, Wang Jiangtao |
Shanghai Electric Power Transmission & Distribution Group Shanghai 200042 China |
Abstract The cooling optimization design is a crucial part of a power electronics building block (PEBB) unit. A better heat dissipation system increases power intensity of PEBB and keeps insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) modules on well operation. In this paper, power loss of IGBT modules in the PEBB unit is calculated in detail. Thermal simulation on a design example of the PEBB unit is analyzed by the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software named ICEPAK. By changing structural parameters of the heatsink in the PEBB unit, the influence of parameters on heat transfer performance is obtained. Then the paper presents a structural optimization scheme of the heatsink through a curve fitting and extreme value seeking analysis. Finally the feasibility of thermal simulation is verified by comparing simulation results with experimental data, and the directive significance of the simulation on system-level thermal optimization design is proved.
Published: 03 March 2016
Fund:上海市科技创新行动计划资助项目(13DZ1200200) |
Corresponding Authors:
陈国栋 男,1982年出生,博士,工程师,研究方向为电能质量控制技术和大功率电力电子变换技术。E-mail: chengd@shanghai-electric.com
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