Multi-Objective Optimal Design of New-Type Torque Motor Based on Variable Weight Immune Colonial Selection Algorithm |
Li Yong, Zhao Xinhua, An Yuejun, Ren Mingxu |
College of Electrical Engineering Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China |
Abstract Aiming at the problems of the immense data processing and large design error about the traditional motor design method, an optimal design method for the new-type torque motor is proposed. In this method, APDL language is used to perform parameterized modeling and finite element analysis of the new-type torque motor. Matlab is used to realize data transmission with ANSYS software. The objective curve of angle-torque is decomposed into multiple objective functions according to the squared deviations. A multi-objective optimization model of the new-type torque motor is established based on aggregate function. Through analyzing the weight of each objective function and the difficult degree of the curve fitting, the mechanism of weight variation is determined. Combined with the immune clonal selection algorithm (ICSA), variable weight immune clonal selection algorithm (VW-ICSA) is proposed. Then, VW-ICSA is used to identify the proposed model and its parameters. The simulation and experimental results show that the optimization results are more suitable for the design requirements, and the workload of manual data processing is greatly reduced.
Published: 03 March 2016
Fund:国家自然科学基金(61102124)和辽宁省教育厅科学技术研究一般项目(L2015387)资助 |
Corresponding Authors:
李 勇 男,1980年生,博士,硕士生导师,研究方向为特种电机的控制与优化设计以及复杂工业过程的控制与优化。E-mail: liyong.sut@live.com
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