Analysis of Limiting Power Dissipation and Thermal Failure Mechanism |
Wang Bo1, Luo Yifei1, Zhang Shuo2, Liu Binli1 |
1. National Key Laboratory for Vessel Integrated Power System of Science and Technology Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China; 2. Wuhan Marine Communications Research Institute Wuhan 430079 China |
Abstract The maximum power dissipation of insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) is an important component of the safe operating area, which is related to the external heat sink, internal thermal resistance and application conditions. However, the maximum power dissipation in the device datasheet is an ideal value which is difficult to reflect the practical operating conditions. Therefore, inappropriate design may lead to the thermal failure of IGBT. Based on the temperature characteristics of IGBT power dissipation and the junction-case steady-state thermal resistance, the power dissipation curve and the junction-case thermal conduction curve were associated. The stable, unstable and critical points on the thermal equivalent curve were thus solved through the thermal equivalence analysis. Therefore, the limiting power dissipation of the IGBT at the critical point was obtained. The thermal failure mechanism was also analyzed and validated, according to the positive feedback relationship between the junction temperature and the power dissipation at the unstable point.
Received: 17 August 2014
Published: 12 July 2016
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