Circulating Harmonics Suppression Method for Modular Multilevel Converter |
Zhang Ming,Wu Haowei,Cai Kai,Xu Zhengxi |
Wuhan Second Ship Design and Research Institute Wuhan 430205 China |
Abstract In this paper,an improved circulating current control model for modular multilevel converter (MMC) is proposed with the consideration of the submodule capacitor voltage disturbances.Then the resonant controller is utilized in company with the conventional proportional-integral controller to suppress the circulating harmonics.For better eliminating results,the repetitive controller is also proposed to suppress all orders of harmonics within the voltage disturbance.The proposed repetitive-based control strategy has simple forms and better results compared with the multi-resonant control,which only applies to the specified orders.Finally,the proposed multi-resonant and repetitive-based circulating control methods are validated by the experimental results.
Received: 23 December 2014
Published: 12 November 2015
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