Distribution Network Restoration and Black Start Based on Distributed Generators |
Li Zhenkun1,Zhou Weijie1,Qian Xiao2,Lü Qin2,Fu Yang1 |
1.School of Electric Power Engineering Shanghai University of Electric Power Shanghai 200090 China 2.Jiaxing Power Supply Company of State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company Jiaxing 314000 China |
Abstract With the maturity of distributed generation (DG) technology,more and more distributed generators are connected to the distribution network.Distribution system power supply restoration based on DG island operation and its black start are studied in this paper.Firstly,according to the distribution network scene,different island division modes are selected.Then four typical power distribution network scenarios are given as examples.The active power balance is analyzed for each island.If the DG output cannot meet the full load,the dynamic programming algorithm is used to choose loads based on 0-1 integer knapsack model.For island black start operation,in order to ensure real time stability in the black start process,islanding stability margin index is proposed to evaluate the islanding stability state.Afterwards,the startup sequence of DGs and loads are determined.Finally,the simulation based on a typical 10 kV distribution system is implemented.The simulation results verify the feasibility of the island dividing mode based on local conditions,and the correctness and validity of the load selection and the black start operation strategy are validated.
Received: 26 December 2014
Published: 12 November 2015
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