The Frequency Characteristic Analysis of Disturbance Propagation in Power Networks Based on Wave Transfer Function |
Yan Yuehao,Bao Wei,Li Xiaofang,Lin Hui |
State Grid Henan Electric Power Company Zhengzhou Power Supply Company Zhengzhou 450006 China |
Abstract In this paper,the characteristics of disturbance propagation in one-dimensional chained power network are studied from the electromechanical wave point of view.Based on the partial-differential electromechanical wave equation of continuum model,the electromechanical wave equation with difference form is built based on the discrete inertia model of power networks.The wave transfer function,which can describe the amplitude and phase variations in the discrete inertia model,is derived.Then,the propagation characteristics of different frequency disturbances are analyzed.The corner frequency of the discrete inertia model is proposed.Furthermore,the frequency dispersion and local oscillation are revealed as well as their relationships with corner frequency.Computer simulations for a 50 generators chained network are carried out to verify the propagation characteristics of disturbances with different frequencies.
Received: 26 November 2014
Published: 12 November 2015
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