Study on Compensation Network for Wireless Power Transmission System of Unmanned Underwater Vehicle |
Wang Hongjian1, Yu Le1, Chen Jiang1, Zhang Xiaotao1 |
College of Automation Harbin Engineering University Harbin 150001 China |
Abstract This paper presents a compensation network research method based on the double port network analysis.Firstly,we focus on the problems of low transmission efficiency and significant losses in the wireless power transmission system caused by big air gap between couplers.Then we present the uniform mathematical model which is applicable to different types of compensating network analyses,and suggest a method to calculate the output power and the transmission efficiency based on model parameters to measure the working performance of different compensation networks.Based on Simulink platform,the simulation circuit is built.By changing the load resistance,the working stability of the circuit with various compensating network is tested.Through ANSYS finite element simulation software,the distribution of the electromagnetic field around the coupler has been obtained.By integrating the theoretical analysis and the simulation results,the primary-series-secondary-parallel circuit is found to maintain the optimal performance.The experiment results show that the output power and the transmission efficiency of the compensation network circuit are improved notably.
Received: 29 May 2015
Published: 21 October 2015
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