Abstract For a wireless power transfer (WPT) system, the misalignment of coils can easily cause low transfer efficiency, unstable output current and over-current of transmitting coil. Therefore, this paper proposes a constant current output WPT system and its parameter design method with high anti-offset performance. In the proposed system, the LCC-LCC and S-S compensation network are connected in input series and output series, and the magnetic coupling structure of quadruple-D quadrature pads is adopted. Then, through reasonable parameter configuration, not only the load independent constant current output can be realized, but also anti-x direction, y-direction, z-direction and anti-xy direction can be realized. Moreover, the over-current of the transmitting coil is avoided. By analyzing the transfer property of the proposed system, it is proved theoretically that the system has good anti-offset performance. Finally, an experimental platform with 280W is built to verify the correctness and feasibility of the theoretical analysis.
Received: 24 January 2021
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