Analysis of DC Bus Oscillation for Cascaded Converter with No Load and Its Control Loop Optimal Design |
Chen Yihan, Chen Jie, Wei Zheng, Gong Chunying |
Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics Nanjing 210016 China |
Abstract Based on the continuous conduction mode(CCM) and discontinuous conduction mode(DCM) small signal modeling of preceding stage average current control phase shift full bridge converter, influences to stability of open loop parameters and compensating network are analysised.It also draw bode diagram by use of Matlab simulation, announce the cause of DC bus oscillation of cascade converter with no load, and relationship between oscillation and control loop parameters. Compensating network should be optimal designed in order to suppress DC bus oscillation. Considering stability and dynamics of converter works in CCM mode, this paper analysis design rule of compensating network for converter works in DCM mode. Conclusion is tested in a 4kV·A cascade converter, which is consisted of phase shift full bridge converter and three bridge four legs inverter. Simulation and experiment results prove theoretical analysis is correct.
Received: 17 April 2014
Published: 20 October 2015
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