Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society  2015, Vol. 30 Issue (17): 180-190    DOI:
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The Radiated EMI Analysis Method for Electromedical Equipments Based on ICA
Zhao Yang1,Xia Huan1,Qiu Xiaohui2,Song Baitong1,Chen Xueli1
1.Nanjing Normal University Jiangsu Electrical Equipment EMC Engineering Laboratory Nanjing 210042 China
2.Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Nanjing 210042 China

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Abstract  Aiming at the multi-point electromagnetic interference (EMI) radiation of the medical electronic equipment,this paper designs the analysis method based on the independent component analysis (ICA) algorithm.The near field time-domain signals,resulted from the superposition of multiple radiation sources,can be separated into several independent common mode and differential mode (CM/DM)radiation sources by applying the ICA algorithm.After the over standard sourceis found,technicians can take the corresponding improvement measures.Comparing to the present analysis methods,this one is more convenient and simple.It can quickly locate the over standard source and is easy to be manipulated and realized.In this paper,with three experiments,i.e.the double CM mixed source,the double DM mixed sources,and the CM/DM mixed source,the feasibility of the method is verified.And the validity of the method is tested by the application example in the electronic medical equipment.In the meantime,this method may offer a reference for tracing source in the complex electronic equipment and multiple radiation sources improvements in the future.
Key wordsICA      radiated noise      electromagnetic interference      analysis method     
Received: 27 January 2015      Published: 07 December 2015
PACS: O441.4  
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Zhao Yang
Xia Huan
Qiu Xiaohui
Song Baitong
Chen Xueli
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Zhao Yang,Xia Huan,Qiu Xiaohui等. The Radiated EMI Analysis Method for Electromedical Equipments Based on ICA[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(17): 180-190.
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