A New Rejuvenation Technology Based on Formation of Nano-SiO2 Composite Fillers for Water Tree Aged XLPE Cables |
Yang Mingliang,Zhou Kai,Wu Ke,Tao Wenbiao,Yang Di |
Sichuan University Chengdu 610065 China |
Abstract A new rejuvenation liquid toward forming nano-SiO2 composite fillers inside water tree channels was presented, and the rejuvenation performance of the reformulation was compared with that of previous formulation. A water-needle method was employed to obtain water tree aged cables, and the cables were injected with two groups of nano rejuvenation liquids. Dielectric loss factor (tanδ) and AC breakdown tests show that the reformulation leads to a greater increase in cable insulation performance than the previous formulation. Microscope observation proved that there are fillers in the water tree channels after rejuvenation. By a scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis, nano SiO2 particles are observed smaller than TiO2, and the SiO2 particles are more uniformly embed in the XLPE matrix inside the breakdown channels of the rejuvenated cables. According to the results, it shows that the new rejuvenation liquid can form nano-SiO2 composite fillers inside water tree channels, and the reformulation has better rejuvenation performance than the previous formulation. Furthermore, a coupling model was presented, based on which the experimental results were explained.
Received: 10 September 2014
Published: 08 September 2015
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