Research on Single-phase Current Mode PWM Inverter of One-Cycle Control Strategy with Limited Storage Inductance Current |
Chen Yiwen,Qiu Yanhui,He Yongji,Chen Daolian |
Power Electronics and Drives Research Institute Fuzhou University Fuzhou 350116 China |
Abstract To overcome the traditional single-phase current mode PWM inverter’s inherent defects such as large energy storage inductance, large energy storage inductance current and serious distortion of the output voltage waveform, the single-phase current mode PWM inverter of one-cycle control strategy with limited energy storage inductance current is proposed in this paper. The inverter is working at current freewheeling mode when the energy storage inductance current is above the limited value or at Boost mode when it is below the limited value separately. The steady principle characteristics of this kind of inverter such as eight operating modes in one low frequency output cycle, the state equations of the switches, and the high-frequency operating process are deeply investigated. And the main design criterias for the key circuit parameters such as the voltage transfer ratio, the limited value of the energy storage inductance current, the value of the the energy storage inductance, the input and output filters, and the voltage and current stress of the power switches are derived. Designed and developed 1kVA 110VDC/220V50Hz inverter prototype has the advantages such as single-stage boost conversion, high conversion efficiency, high quality output waveform, low energy storage inductance etc. The correctness and advancement of the proposed research scheme and theoretical analysis are fully confirmed, and effectively overcomes the inherent defects of the traditional single-phase current mode PWM inverter.
Received: 10 July 2014
Published: 08 September 2015
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