Study of Accurate Single-phase Grounding Fault Location Based on Distributed Parameter Theory Using Data of Zero Sequence Components |
Liang Rui,Yang Xuejun,Xue Xue,Cui Lianhua |
School of Information and Electrical Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology Xuzhou 21008 China |
Abstract Aiming at the problem of single phase grounding fault location of neutral non grounded power distribution systems, this paper presents fault location based on the zero sequence quantity characteristics in the distributed parameter line. Firstly, to analysis the characteristics of the zero sequence voltage, zero sequence current in fault line, and then discuss the applicability and reliability of fault location criterion in the non-ground neutral systems, and finally, a hyperbolic function of zero sequence characteristics and fault distance is built. In order to solve the difficulty in solving the problem of complex plane hyperbolic equation, to describe the distributed parameter model with parabolic equation instead of hyperbolic equation. In order to eliminate the influence on measurement results of the distributed parameter line error, the information from the non-fault line is used to identify the parameter of fault line based on weighted least squares, and theory proves that it is feasible. The simulation results show that, based on the right selection of the fault feeder, the method with high accuracy, measuring result is not affected by the transition resistance, fault distance.
Published: 14 September 2015
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