A Novel Dual closed-Loop Control Strategy based on Sliding-Mode Variable Structure of Vienna-type Rectifier |
Ma Hui,Xie Yunxiang |
School of Electrical Power South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510641 Guangdong Province China |
Abstract For the constant and sensitive coefficient of conventional dual closed-loop PI controllers, the Vienna-type rectifier have some shortcomings under startup situation and load sudden change within a large permitted disturbance, namely slow dynamic response, poor anti-disturbance ability and large input current harmonics(THD).Since a novel dual closed-loop nonlinear control strategy was proposed in this paper, which adopted direct power control based on sliding mode control (SMC-DPC)for inner loop without transforming to d-p rotating coordinate system and used sliding mode control with the square of voltage as the feedback for the outer loop; The new control system diagram was derivate in detail and the realized method was shown in this paper. Both the simulation and experimental results are utilized to analyze and compare the performances of the novel dual closed-loop control algorithm based on sliding-mode control and conventional PI control scheme, which show that the proposed scheme is much better, exhibits fast dynamic response and possesses good robustness to startup and load step change.
Received: 01 September 2014
Published: 14 September 2015
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