Modeling and Closed Loop Control of Three Phase Double Active Bridge DC Transformer |
Song Shengli1, Li Zhuoqiang2, Yao Zhi3, Chen Dong4, Xu Jinghui2 |
1. State Grid Corporation of China Beijing 100031 China; 2. School of Electrical Engineering Xi’an jiaotong University Xi’an 710049 China; 3. State Grid Ningxia EPRI Yinchuan 750001 China; 4. State Grid Economic and Technological Research Institute Beijing 102209 China |
Abstract As a kind of isolated bidirectional DC converter, three-phase dual active bridge (DAB) DC converter has many advantages, such as electrical isolation, high power density, wide voltage transmission range and easy to realize soft switching. In this paper, the modeling and control methods of three-phase DAB converter are studied. To solve the problem of low accuracy of existing modeling methods for three-phase DC converter, a three-phase DAB model based on second-order generalized state space averaging method is proposed. In this paper, a current RMS optimal modulation strategy based on interior point method is proposed. On this basis, a closed-loop control method with optimal amplitude limitation is proposed to improve the dynamic response of the system. Finally, a 1.1kW three-phase DAB DC converter experimental platform is built by using the combined simulation of Matlab/Simulink and PLECS to verify the accuracy of the proposed model. When the output voltage instruction v2ref changes from 60V to 80V, the traditional closed-loop method needs 31ms to restore stability. The closed-loop control method proposed in this paper can achieve stable operation in 18ms, which greatly accelerates the dynamic response of the system.
Received: 10 July 2018
Published: 02 January 2020
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