Research on Order Reduction of Small Signal Model of Wireless Power Transmission System |
Cheng Zhiyuan, Shao Huiwen, Chen Kun, Sui Qingyang, Li Dongdong |
College of Electrical Engineering Shanghai University of Electric Power Shanghai 200090 China |
Abstract The wireless power transmission system has the characteristics of high level, nonlinearity, and strong coupling. To describe the dynamic response of the WPT system accurately to realize the optimal design and analysis of the control system, the report takes the LCL-S circuit topology as a research subject. Firstly, the large-signal model of the WPT system is obtained by the generalized state-space average modelling method. On the basis to establish a high-level small-signal model of the system. Also, Laguerre's expansion and balancing realization were used to reduce the level of the high-level small-signal model to obtain the low-order model and to simplify the design of the system controller. So, the third level was reduced by the eleventh level system. Simulation and experimental results show that the level-reduced system and full-level system have a similar dynamic response and small disturbance stability, which verifies the effectiveness and accuracy of the level-reduced model. And it builds a model foundation for the design of the WPT control system.
Received: 15 July 2021
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