Mutual Inductance Calculation and Optimization of Multi-Receiver Positive and Negative Series Coil Structure in Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer Systems |
Li Zhongqi1,2, Li Shangyou2, Li Jing2, Zou Yao3, Huang Shoudao1 |
1. College of Electrical and Information Engineering Hunan University Changsha 412008 China; 2. College of Transportation Engineering Hunan University of Technology Zhuzhou 412007 China; 3. College of Electrical and Information Engineering Hunan University of Technology Zhuzhou 412007 China |
Abstract In dynamic wireless power transfer (DWPT) system via magnetic coupling resonance, the misalignment between the transmission and the receiving coils can reach half of the side length of the transmission coil. At this moment, the variations in mutual inductance are very large. These variations in mutual inductance may harm the stability of the DWPT systems. This paper proposes a multi-receiving positive and negative series coil structure to reduce the fluctuation rate of the mutual inductance. First, a method of calculating the mutual inductance of a rectangular coil is proposed, and the mutual inductance characteristics of the proposed structure are analyzed by using the formula of the mutual inductance calculation. Secondly, an optimization method of the mutual inductance is presented. The parameters of the proposed structure that meet the design requirements are obtained by using the proposed optimization method. Finally, a wireless power transfer system based on the multi-receiving positive and negative serial coil structure is developed according to the obtained parameters. And the correctness of the proposed structure and method is verified through simulation and experiment results. These results show that the maximum fluctuation rate of the mutual inductance between the coils is 3.81% by using the proposed structure when the misalignment between the coils is changed within half of the side length of the transmission coil.
Received: 19 July 2021
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