Comparison and Analysis of the Performance of Five-Phase Induction Motors with Different Stator Winding Connections under Open-Circuit Conditions |
Fan Shuting, Meng Dawei, Ai Mengmeng |
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Harbin University of Science and Technology Harbin 150080 China |
Abstract Based on the existing single winding and star-pentagon combined winding, this paper proposed three new types of combined windings: pentagon-star winding, pentacal-star winding, and star-pentacal winding, to study the effects of different winding connections on five-phase motors. First, the winding magnetomotive force (MMF) model and the voltage unbalance ratio measurement model were developed. The harmonic content of the motor winding MMF and the voltage unbalance ratio were calculated using the finite element method. Secondly, a 15kW five-phase induction motor was designed. Using this as a prototype, the steady-state output of a five-phase induction motor with various winding connections was investigated under open-circuit faults. According to the simulation and experimental results, the pentagon winding is most beneficial to the motor's operation for the single winding connection under open-circuit faults. Comparing with the existing star-pentagon winding for the combined winding, the pentagon-star winding introduced in this paper not only has a low MMF harmonic content, but can reduce the voltage unbalance ratio and increase the maximum load torque, which is beneficial to the motor running under open-circuit.
Received: 15 December 2020
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