Influence of Space Radiation Environment on Critical Components of Spacecraft Distributed Power System and Countermeasures |
Zhou Lidan1, Yan Chaoxin1, Yao Gang2, Hu Wenbin3, Zhao Min4 |
1. College of Electric Power Engineering Shanghai University of Electric Power Shanghai 200090 China; 2. School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai 200240 China; 3. Shanghai Institute of Space Power-Sources Shanghai 200240 China; 4. School of Naval Architecture Ocean & Civil Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai 200240 China |
Abstract The distributed power system of spacecraft will suffer continuous radiation from different sorts of high-energy particles during the operation process, which will lead to performance degradation and fault excitation. In particular, once the integrated key power components break down, the safe and reliable operation of spacecraft in orbit will be seriously affected. Based on the distributed power system onboard spacecraft, this paper firstly reviewed various radiation environments and common radiation effects. The performance degradation and fault excitation mechanism of solar cells, lithium batteries, power electronic devices, insulation materials, power control devices and other key components in radiation environment are analyzed. Accordingly, the radiation countermeasures in terms of material, manufacturing process, circuit and layout design, external protection, software algorithm, reliability assessment and fault state perception are proposed. Finally, it points out the key issues to be further studied and provides reference for further research in this field.
Received: 14 December 2020
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