A Redundant Design and Control Strategy of Hybrid Modular DC Transformer |
Zhang Hang1, Li Zixin1,2, Gao Fanqiang1,2, Zhao Cong1, Xu Fei1,2 |
1. Key Laboratory of Power Electronics and Electric Drive Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academic of Science Beijing 100190 China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049 China |
Abstract This paper proposes a hot standby redundant design and its control strategy for the hybrid phase-shifted and series resonant dual active bridge (PS-SRDAB) type dc transformer (DCT). To improve the reliability of the series resonant dual active bridge (SRDAB) of the DCT, a standby PSDAB power module is connected in parallel with it. In normal operation, the SRDAB and the standby phase-shifted dual active bridge (PSDAB) are operated simultaneously, and the transferred power ratio of the PSDABs and SRDABs is realized by controlling capacitor voltage on the high-voltage side. If the SRDAB has faults such as over-current, over-voltage, over-temperature and so on, the whole power is transferred by the PSDAB after the fault SRDAB is blocked. This paper analyzes the operation principle and characteristics of the hybrid modular DCT (HMDCT), establishes an average dynamic small signal model, and illustrates the operating stability with a traditional voltage closed-loop control strategy. The proposed redundant design method and its control strategy are verified by a experimental prototype.
Received: 30 June 2020
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