Short-Circuit Fault Current Limiting Control Method of DC Transformer with Separable Supporting Capacitor |
Zhuo Chaoran, Zhang Xiaotian, Zhang Xiong, Yang Xu |
School of Electrical Engineering Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an 710049 China |
Abstract Due to the low line impedance of the DC power distribution system, the current rise rate is high when the line is short-circuited, which causes problems such as difficulty in current limiting and slow recovery of line equipment. This paper analyzes the current problems in the current-limiting reactance method used in DC distribution networks, and proposes a new method for active current-limiting control of short-circuit current using power electronic transformer equipment in the distribution network. The improvement of the circuit topology and the active current control method can realize that the energy in the internal support capacitor of the converter no longer produces a large impact on the line when a short-circuit fault occurs, and can quickly track and control the current in the distribution network line. Renewable energy power generation equipment achieves current control requirements during low voltage ride-through. Hardware-in-the-loop experiments verify the correctness of the method in this paper.
Received: 17 July 2020
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