Design and Implementation of an Experimental Platform for Dynamic Characteristics of Press-Pack IGBT Chip |
Peng Cheng, Li Xuebao, Zhang Guanrou, Zhao Zhibin, Cui Xiang |
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract The press-pack IGBT chip is subjected to the comprehensive action of electro- thermo-mechanical under normal operating conditions. The study of the dynamic characteristics of IGBT chip under the influence of electro-thermo-mechanical is of great significance for guiding the modeling of IGBT chips and the design of large-scale IGBT parallel packaging. In order to obtain the dynamic characteristics of the press-pack IGBT chip under the comprehensive influence of electro- thermo-mechanical, in this paper, an experimental platform with a flexible electro-thermo-mechanical adjustment for the dynamic characteristics of the press-pack IGBT chip is developed, combined with the principle of the double pulse test circuit. Through the finite element simulation of the key problems of the dynamic characteristic experimental platform, the optimal design of parasitic inductance, IGBT chip surface pressure distribution and mechanical fixture temperature distribution is realized. On this basis, an experimental platform for dynamic characteristics of press-pack IGBT chip is established. Through comprehensive testing of the dynamic characteristic experimental platform, it is shown that the experimental platform has the characteristics of small parasitic inductance, balanced pressure distribution on the IGBT chip surface, and reasonable temperature distribution of each component of the mechanical fixture, which can meet the requirements of the dynamic characteristic test of the press-pack IGBT chip under comprehensive electro-thermo-mechanical influence.
Received: 01 November 2020
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